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a pot belly pig in the city?

22 9:17:47

Hi I was wondering if you knew where to find info on zoning for pot belly pigs? I want to know for sure I can keep one in calgary alberta canada before  going any further. Also if I AM zoned to keep a miniture pot belly can I keep he or she soley in my backyard? it is large and there is lots of dirt to dig in and I would make a shelter for him or her and spend time with also... I just don't see why a pig should be kept indoors(?)

Good for you for researching this.
Every single city has their own unique zoning laws.
Laws as obscure as this are often difficult to find, even for the enforcers!
The way to go about it is to call the ZONING Dept. of your city.
If they are legal, have them fax you the law, as proof.
Do not trust anyone else.
In most cities, you either can or cannot have one, there are rarely  secondary stipulations such as where you keep it. Some cities require neutering/spaying, however.
But you are only one phone call away from finding out.
Canada can be very restrictive.......I know they are illegal in your two largest cities. A neighbor can turn you in, never get a pig if they are illegal. It is too heartbreaking to lose one or have to move.
Again, good luck!
Priscilla Valentine