Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > post neuter

post neuter

22 9:10:34

Testicle skin
Testicle skin  

Testicle skin
Testicle skin  
My pot belly was neutered a week ago and has been itching his butt on the carpet and his towels in bed to itch his stitches. His skin where his testicles used to be has developed a small slightly lighter colored bump about the size of a dime. Any idea what this could be? In the image, its on the right testicle skin.

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

From the photos it looks like piggy is developing an abscess and has a bit of an infection in the incision. I recommend consulting with the vet who performed the procedure.

Itching after neutering is normal, the healing process is itchy. But, there should not be any lumps or bumps.