Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > peeing in my house

peeing in my house

22 9:13:50

Hi, I just adopted a 1 1/2 year old mini pot belly and was told she was completely house trained which I do believe however just today I have caught her peeing in my house twice. I don't know what to do about it. She has 2 liter boxes and we go outside quite often. She WILL not poop in the house. Do you think it's just from so much change? Thanks for any help

Often changing their routine can cause lapses in their potty habits.
You should not give her run of the house for a while.  Keep her in a smaller area with her litter box when she is unattended.  This will help reinstall the fact that she needs to use her litter box.
Good luck with her,