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Pig Questions!

22 9:14:25


Hi! I recently got a little juliani mix pig ( a kind of rescue situation ).....Ive had farm pigs as pets all my life and LOVE pigs so Im thrilled to have one that might possibly be small enough to stay in the house. :) Anyway, Ive done research and spoken to a few vets but being out in the country Im not sure how familiar they are with little pigs.

What is the best age to spay female mini pig? Ive been told as early as 6 weeks and as late as 6 months to a year......

And Im havaing trouble deciding what commercial feed to put her on. Right now she is on veggies and a little fruit, and timothy hay that I get from the feed store. Do you have any recommendation about a pellted feed to give my little girl?

Size and maturity are bigger issues than age. Every vet has their own preference. Most like to wait until piggy has had at least one heat, which is generally around 5 to 7 months old. Small pigs, like pots and Julianis are usually spayed through the belly (farm hogs are often spayed through the side) There's a list of vets that see piggies here

Only one pig registry, Gold Star, classified Juliani separately from pot-bellied pigs. Juliani are leaner with longer, straighter snouts and often have red or red untertones in their coats.

Your pig will be fine on any pot-bellied pig food, or maintenance (not grower) hog chow. The general rule of thumb is 1/2 c food per 15 lb of piglet, or 1 cup per 50 lb of adult pig. But, this depends on the pig, the food, the environment, etc. A pig outside in cold weather or an active pig will need more, a sedate pig may need less. Feeding pigs is more of an art than a science. Keep an eye on piggy's size and weight. If piggy is obviously getting too fat, cut back on food and treats. If piggy seems thin, or growing but not gaining weight, increase the amount gradually. It's always better to give bigger meals than extra treats.