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pot bellied pigs

22 9:12:00

I'm thinking about getting a pot bellied pig, and i was wondering things such as do they get lonely if there is no other animals around, because my neighbor has one but she has alot of other animals too. What kind of shelter would I put it in?

Pigs are herd animals, although they can adapt to a solitary existence. If you're planning to keep piggy outside all or most of the time, it's better to have two. They can keep each other company, and snuggle together for warmth.

The key words for outdoor shelter are Dry and Windproof. The extra jumbo sized plastic Dog-A-Loos work well in most climates. Choose the largest size so it can be stuffed with straw for warmth in winter, and in summer there is room for ventilation.

Here are several sites with lots of piggy information