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musk in male pigs

22 9:11:27

I have a male intact mini pot belly pig.  I is going to stay intact for breeding purposes. I know that they have musk and was wondering if there is a way to cut down on the smell and what I can use to remove that smell from my skin and his bedding. Thank you for you help.

There is no effective way of reducing the amount of excretion or the odor of the excretion. That's why we always recommend that male pet pigs be neutered. Female pigs LOVE the smell. Humans, not so much.

Male pigs have a butterfly shaped gland just under the penis sheath called the preputial diverticulum. This gland secrets and collects fluids, like semen and urine. In neutered males, it stays quite small and seldom empties. In intact males, it grows quite large and empties constantly. That gland is the primary source of the boar musk odor, and it's the odor that attracts the lady pigs.

Daily washing, of bedding and pig, will keep the odor down a bit. Wash piggy's belly with a warm, soapy cloth, piggy will enjoy it. Wash the bedding in the machine with ordinary laundry soap.

Intact males also hump anything and everything, constantly. Trying to prevent this behavior is like trying to stop a human from blinking. Blinking is an automatic action we don't even think about. It's impossible to stop blinking completely, and trying to not blink is awkward and uncomfortable. Same thing applies to male piggy humping. It's completely automatic, and uncomfortable for them to stop even temporarily.