Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > wintering


22 9:17:56

I have an 11 y/o piggy.  She's been relatively happy and healthy and outdoors for the past 7 years.  I'm in NH and moving to Maine.  I need to provide a new home for her in my new location and money IS an issue.  I've been using a 250 watt heat lamp for her during the winter and cool rainy days.  The cost to run is $25+/month for 24x7 usage.  Can you recommend optional heating and/or housing arrangements that do not require something of this cost?  We're consolidating households and have minimal income - I want to keep my pig, 13 bantam chickens and 2 rescue cats.  I feel strongly about my commitments to my critters.  FYI: cats and I will have an LP Gas heated 10'x10' "studio"/"cattery".  I plan to build an 8'x8' coop/pigpen off the back.  Venting heat from the cattery to the coop/pigpen is a possibility, but would love to hear your suggestions.  Thanks so much, Panhead Pam and her Potbellied Pig Porketta :O)

All of our pigs live inside our home.
Is this an option?
Pigs can make excellent inside pets!
Because of her age, I am concerned about her having to be kept at a colder temp in a new state.
Pigs need to be gradually acclimated to new temps.
One suggestion would be keeping her in your garage and having your furnace pipes vented to your garage. It's cheap, you can cut a hole in the pipe and buy a furnace vent.
Wind, drafts  and wet blankets are the worst problems, as well as a pig that is older and not acclimated. Tons of straw that a pig can bury themselves in will work with younger pigs that are slowly acclimated.
Pigs do hate to be cold...maybe at her age, about 80 cents a day is worth it? Maine is very good conscious, we cannot suggest it without heat provided of some sort.
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine