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squeeling and house training

22 9:18:03

Hi, I have adopted 2 pigs from a family that was moving away, they are about a year now and have never been in the house and it gets really cold where I live and im not sure how to get them in and what to do when and if i do.  The other thing is my one pig squeels really bad in the morning and i dont know what to do to get it to stop. I dont want my neighbors to call the city or anything. What can I do to make it stop.  

By not feeding the pig when it squeals,it will stop.
This takes patience and self control.
The pig is demanding food, and once you give into it, the pig has you trained.
Our book, "Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training" at can help you with this.
Also the book specializes in "house pigs".
Luring them gradually into the house for short periods of time works best.
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine