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PBP sleeping in litter box.

22 9:13:49

I have an 8 week old female PBP.  Weve had her a week and she is doing very well using the litter box.  Shes had no accidents.  The only problem I am having is that she will sleep in the litter box.  Even if shes gone in it.  She will move everything (poop and pee) to one side and lay on the other.  The box is only as long as she is.  So its not overly big.  How can I get her to stop sleeping in it?
Thanks, Tori

This is a surprisingly common problem. Sometimes piggies raised in straw associate the pine litter with bedding and don't understand that blankets are bedding. In this case, it sounds like piggy prefers the coziness of the small litter box.

Try using different litter, like shredded newspapers, or no litter at all, just a rubber mat or non-slip shelf liner on the bottom of the box. At the same time, give her a small, cozy bed, such as one for a cat or tiny dog. Pigs adore the smell of vanilla, so put a couple of drops of vanilla extract on the bed. The smell will lure her in, and she'll soon realize the bed is quite comfortable for sleeping.