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11 week old pot belly pig

22 9:14:10

My pot belly pig  was outside with me yesterday and was grazing on the grass. I then put her into her pen and left for work. Last night I noticed that she did not poop and this morning poop in her litter box.  She ate, drank and peed this morning but is a little shaky and laying down alot.  I have had her a month so far and not once did she not poop alot in her litter box.  Could she be constipated?  I had read to give her some pumpkin or olive oil in her food?  Is it possible she ate something  outside that is making her act this way?  I did give her a piece of spinach leaf but a very small piece.

A healthy piglet should not be shaky, and if she's laying down a lot more than normal, she is not feeling well. My first, and biggest, concern is what could have been sprayed on the grass. Pesticides and herbicides are poison. Grass near sidewalks and driveways is often contaminated with ice melt products.

If you're sure the grass was not recently treated with pesticides or herbicides, then she might be just a little under the weather. Canned pumpkin usually does relieve constipation in piggies in 24 hours.

If the canned pumpkin doesn't work, she might need to see a vet. If she looses her appetite, or if she seems a lot sicker, she'll need to see a vet.

The spinach leaf is not the problem. Spinach is an ideal food for piggies, because it requires chewing, makes piggy feel full, and is packed with vitamins and minerals but still low in calories. Bagged spinach is usually safe to eat, but in rare cases bagged spinach has been found contaminated with e. coli. But e. coli causes diarrhea, which is the exact opposite of the problem here.