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pot bellied pig with an injury

22 9:12:35

A friend of mine has a male pot bellied pig who was recently attacked by her dog. Now that the pig is home the owner has realized the the pig isn't eating well or standing at all. He is starting to get bed sores. She wants to create a pulley system to help him stand. She thinks he may have a brain injury, how can we do this and what else should she do?

You said "Now that the pig is home", I assume this means the pig was at the vets. If so, the owner should consult with the treating veterinarian. If the vet is not that familiar with pot-bellied pigs, there is a list of vets at, and many of them will work with your local vet. Dog bites can cause infections deep inside the body, and piggy may need intense antiboitics

Pulley and sling systems are often used to lift pigs for hoof trims. Carts are also available for pigs with paralyzed rear ends.

The Pig Preserve  and Lil Orphan Hammies  both have experience caring for pigs injured by dogs. Unfortunately, it's a far too common occurrence. I suggest contacting them for information on slings, carts, and other devices to help a physically compromised pig.