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miniture pot belly pig

22 9:14:21

I have female miniture pot belly pig. She recently has her vagina sticking out. Like the inside is coming out. She has no pain is still happy and runs around and can go potty. We have another pig and he is male. He got out hasnt hurt her he tried to mate with her but she runs wouldnt let him do anything to her but we dont know what happen when we werent home. Female is only 3 months old.We have been keeping her inside with us some of the swelling seem to go down but it hasnt gone back in like it use to be is that normal?

Your female is potentially old enough to be in her first heat. Swelling under the tail is often a sign of a pig in heat. But, a vaginal prolapse, where the insides of the body actually come out, is a very seriously, potentially deadly situation and requires immediate veterinary care.

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet. I strongly suggest your female see a vet to determine if she is in her first heat and old enough to spay, or if the problem is something more serious.

If she did mate with your male she could be pregnant, even at this young age, so she needs to see a vet for that reason, too. If your vet thinks she is still too small to spay, he can give her a "morning after" birth control to prevent pregnancy.