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22 9:16:15

Is there any type of annual flowers that i can plant in beds that my pig would NOT want to eat? She has the run of the yard and fields and it would be impossible to contain her in just one area.thanks in advance

Pigs, like deer, are natural browsers and see most garden plants as a handy snack.

Pigs are also very smart, and can learn to root, dig and eat from one section of the garden only. Encourage her to use her own garden by scattering snackies on it. Put plants she'll enjoy eating, like squash plants. Discourage her from exploring the rest of the garden by telling her no, or giving her a quick squirt with a water bottle when she goes for it. Then take her back to her section of the garden.

A small edging fence won't stop your pig from getting into the garden, but if bells or chimes are attached to it, you'll hear when she tries to sneak in. Spraying with a hot pepper spray designed to discourage deer may or may not work -- that totally depends on your pig. Some pigs love the taste of hot pepper and it only encourages them. Other pigs are put off by the smell.

Daffodil and hyacinth are the only two flowers I know of that no pig (or deer) will touch. These flowers and bulbs are poisonous, and somehow pigs just know this.

Freshly planted plants and freshly spread mulch tend to attract pigs to the garden. It's fun to have your pig with you while you plant in the garden, but it's a bad idea because the smell of the freshly dug earth triggers their rooting instincts, and the pig thinks it's Ok to play in the garden. So plant while the piggy is indoors. And, if you can, open bags of mulch and let it air out for a day or so before putting it on the garden.

My garden is mostly perennials, and different parts of the country have different kinds of annuals. But as a rule of thumb, pigs like to eat sweet smelling flowers, and may eat just the flowers off. They also like spicy scented plants, and will eat the whole plant.

In my garden, they love chrysanthemums. They like the flowers of petunias and gerberas, but don't seem to bother the plant itself. They don't seem as interested in impatients and alyssum. Marigolds have a strong scent, but they're not a piggy favorite here.

When my rose plants were small, one of my pigs ate the whole thing; flowers, leaves, thorns, stems and roots! But, now that the roses are older and tougher she's no longer interested in them, unless the blossoms are down at her level. All the pigs nibbled the Torch Flower blossoms a tiny bit, but then ignored the plant. The thick, hairy, rubbery leaves weren't very appealing. They don't bother the Yucca either, but other people tell me their pigs do eat that. My pigs go nuts for the spicy scented achillea. They like the black eyed Susans but pay little attention to ordinary daisies. I realize all these flowers are perennials, but I mention them because their characteristics might help you choose from the annuals available in your area.