Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > breeding


22 9:15:26

at what age is it ok to breed a gilt or boar?  i kno that females start there heats at around 13wks and boars as early as 90 days....but when is breeding actually safe for them?  i kno alot of people are breeding them young to try and sell them as micro mini's and the parents are still babies themselves.  your imput is appreciated...thanks!

Yes pigs do hit sexual maturity very quickly. Males as young as 8 weeks old and still nursing have impregnated their mothers!!

Pigs reach full adulthood between ages 18 months and 2 -1/2 years, depending on the particular pig. By this stage they have done most of their growing, though they might continue to grow slowly until age 4 or 6. They've also reached a kind of "emotional maturity"; at this age they try to raise themselves to a higher status on the pot-bellied pig social ladder. This is probably the best age for safe breeding.

But, before you breed, please give some thought about what will happen to the babies. Rescues and sanctuaries across the country are bulging at the seams with unwanted pigs and piglets.