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recently neutered

22 9:11:52

Hi, My PBP is rougly 3 months old and was neutered 2 weeks ago. lately he has been oozing from the penis this white clear FOUL smelling substance. What does this indicate...and if it is healthy how do I stop it?

Thank you!

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

If the ooze is coming from his penis, it could signal a potentially serious problem like urinary crystals.

More likely is that this substance is coming from the prepitual diverticulumn. This butterfly shaped pouch sits under the belly near the penis. It's job is to collect fluids like semen and urine, and creates a powerful odor that female pigs adore. But, most people do not like the smell.

Intact male pigs constantly secrete this odor. In neutered pigs, it happens only when they are very stresses or if this gland gets infected. This pouch will shrink over the next few months as the testosterone leaves piggy's system.

Wash piggy's belly with a warm soapy cloth several times a day until the ooze stops. When washing, try to get the pouch to empty completely. The odor and ooze should be gone in a couple of days.