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pig question

22 9:13:05

I have a 6 month pig name Willis.  He is not neutered but has an appt to do so March 1st.  He lathers at the mouth and humps.  I have read the humping will stop after the neutering but what about the lathering and the foul smell.  He really smells, I am not sure if he is urinating to something else around or on my dogs.  It is really offensive.  Can you tell me if the odor will go away on him and will he stop secreting smelly liquids on the other animals?

Male pot-bellied pigs have a butterfly shaped gland called the preputial diverticulum, located in the center of their bellies. This gland collects body fluids and secretions, and expels the fluids when the pig is excited. Female pigs adore the smell of this fluid. But most people don't like it.

After neutering, this gland will shrink and accumulate less and less fluid, and the odor will disappear. On rare occasions if the pig is really stressed, they may still excrete a little bit, but nothing like what you are experiencing now. Removing this gland is difficult and potentially dangerous and not recommended.

Pigs foam at the mouth when they grind their teeth. Intact male pigs foam constantly. Neutered pigs may foam when they are teething, or if they are thinking about food, or if they are angry. The heavy foaming will stop within a month of neutering, but he may still foam from time to time.