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training a potbelly how to get used to a harness

22 9:15:39

i have a female pot belly pig that is three in a half weeks old. i have started to put a harness on her to let her get used to wearing it but she screams everytime i go to put it on her. should i continue to put it on her?

also how long does it take for a baby pot belly pig to start to lose their high pitch scream? thanks!!

Pigs have a wide range of vocal sounds. Pigs always scream when they are unhappy. The scream may be a slightly lower pitch when they reach adulthood, but is still high, loud and ear piercing.

The right kind of halter makes a huge difference. Choose the kind that buckles on the back and wraps up from underneath - nothing goes over the head. Pigs hate to put their heads through things like harnesses. Harnesses designed specially for pot-bellied pigs are available from and

Take a break from the harness for a day or two, and start over. Start by holding it next to her, let her see and smell it. Rub it on her body. Then, place a few treats on the ground, and while she's nibbling, slip the harness underneath then buckle it around her. Keep telling her she's a good girl, in a soothing voice.

Baby piglets in the wild are easy prey for predators. Baby pigs instinctively hate being held or restrained, because that's the first thing a predator does before eating the prey! So all her instincts are telling her this is bad and scary.

By spending a day or two just getting used to the harness, distracting her with treats, and using a harness that's designed for her body will make the process a lot easier!

The best part is that once a pig is harness trained, they never forget. I had a pig that had not worn a harness in over a decade, but when she needed to see the vet it was easy to slip it on her because she remembered. So it's definitely worth taking the time and effort to teach your baby good harness manners now.