Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > What could this be?

What could this be?

21 18:03:07

I have a nine month old unspayed female pig, she weighs about fifteen pounds and is eating a diet of nutrina miniature pig food and oats and she drinks plenty of water. Her vulva is swollen and she's leaking a mucus that looks like silicone. What could this be? She's otherwise very healthy, I have no clue as to what might be happening to her.

Your pig may be going into heat or she may have a pelvic infection. I am not a veterinarian and can not make a diagnosis over the internet. I suggest consulting with your veterinarian. If she's going into heat, she's old enough to be spayed. If this is an infection, the vet will need to give her antibiotics. There's a list of veterinarians who see pigs at