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12 week old neutered male

22 9:11:01

i have a 12 week old male i just got neutered two weeks ago about a week after he got neutered he fell off some high steps and seemed fine, shortly after he was urinating more frequently he would urinate seven times a day now he is going twenty or more times a day i sent his urine to the vet and they told me he was fine and didnt have a urinary tract infection. what could be wrong with him he was a on a good routine going number one and two after every meal and through out the day with out any accidents, but now he acts like he cant hold it and we have to watch him constantly when he is out, he has his own area with a litter box.. what could be wrong is it just a phase will he learn to control is bladder again??

Young piglets do have to potty often, it is not unusual for them to have to potty every hour or so. They don't know they have to potty until it is almost "too late", and will look around for any handy spot. They don't potty much, just a few tablespoons. It takes just a few seconds for a piglet to assume the position, pee, then go back to normal. It's very easy for people to miss the action, and to not notice the tiny wet spot.

As the piglet grows, they release more urine. It takes longer and leaves a bigger spot. People finally notice, and think their potty-trained pig is regressing. The pig is completely confused, because he's just doing what he's been doing all along.

Usually this doesn't happen until the pig is several months old. So you are lucky to have caught the problem now in the early stages. Your pig is young enough to train easily, now that you are aware of what is happening.

A one year old pig should be able to hold his urine for four or five hours. By the time they are age 2 or 3, most pigs develop bladders of steel and are capable of holding their urine for 12 hours or more.

The thing to do now is start potty training from the beginning, and stick strictly to the potty routines. Start by cleaning the floors with any quality product designed to remove pet urine odors.

Before letting him out of his space, make him go potty in the litterbox. When he is out with you, take him to his litterbox before and after meals, as soon as he wakes up from a nap, and do not let him go longer than two hours without taking him to the box. And no faking allowed, he must potty, even just a drip or so (baby pig bladders don't hold much anyway)

The idea is to keep him so empty he can't make a potty mistake. When he's not in his space, it helps to keep him on a harness and lead. The lead acts as a communication line between the two of you, and help you remember to take him to his litterbox before he has to go.

I highly recommend the book Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and Training by Priscilla Valentine. I also recommend the dvd There's a Pig in the House from  Both of these go into potty training in more detail than I can here.