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22 9:11:25

when should a female piggy get fixed and do they need shots?

Most pet pigs really do not need any vaccinations. The average pet pig and pet pig owner is not likely to come into contact with factory farm hogs. The cramped, unsanitary conditions at factory farms encourage the spread of disease.

There are exceptions to this. Some communities require a rabies vaccination. In other places, rabies may be rampant, and it might be necessary to vaccinate an outdoor pig that could come in contact with infected squirrels, skunks, raccoons, etc. There is no approved rabies vaccine for pigs, so most vets use the formula for dogs.

Most vets like to wait until piggy is a certain size, maybe 20 - 30 lb, so the surgery will be a little easier and safer. Others like to wait until piggy has had a cycle or two. And some prefer to fix them at 6 months even if they have not yet cycled.

Adult female pigs are rarely, if ever, "too old" to spay. The problem is that adult females age 4 or older tend to be heavier, tend to metabolize drugs a little differently, and have extra fat layers to cut through.

There's a list of vets that see pot-bellied pigs along with lots of piggy info at