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High acidity in urine

22 9:13:22

Hi!  I have a  2 yr old potbelly. I asked the vet for a urine test, Andrew goes out to potty 2-3 times daily, the other times he trys to go, but can't. The test showed his acidity level is 7.6 and they found crystals. The vet isn't sure what to do. Can I ask your opinion? He told me to research, and if I couldn't find anything, he would research. Thanks Helen, you have helped me in the past.
I appreciate your advice, Lynn

Male pigs have narrow, twisty urethras, so urinary problems are not uncommon. But left untreated, they can be fatal.

There are prescription drugs that change the ph of the urine. I am not a veterinarian, but there are several pot-bellied pig vets who are happy to share their knowledge with other vets. Contact Forgotten Angels Rescue and Education Center  explain what happened, and they'll give you contact info.

Because Andrew is already having trouble going, he will most likely need a prescription to get the situation under control. If he can't empty his bladder, it could burst.

When the crystals are gone, he may need a lifelong home remedy, like cranberry juice or sauce, to prevent a recurrence. Heartland Healthy pigs makes a dietary supplement designed to control urine ph