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pig labor

22 9:13:14

My pot belly has delivered 2 healthy piglets about 4 hours ago.  She has gotten so big over the past month it is hard for me to believe that she is done delivering.  What is the time frame for delivery and what should mom's behavior be like?  It is 20 degrees outside, we have a heat lamp, and a heater in her box...what should the temp. be inside for the piglets?  I really really don't want anything to happen to these little piglets.  Any information would be helpful.  Cara

Piglets are born during the second phase of labor. There's usually a gap of 5 to 60 minutes between births, but sometimes the gap can be longer.

The third and final stage of labor is when the placenta is expelled. If the placenta doesn't emerge, or your sow seems in distress or stuck in the second stage of labor, she will need to see a vet right away. There's a list of vets that see pot-bellied pigs here

Momma pig should be up, eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, and nursing. If she is not doing these things, or her teats seem full but the piglets seem to be hungry, or there is a vaginal discharge, she'll need to see a vet.

Baby piglets need considerable warmth - 95 F or so. They should be nursing from Mom, and their bellies should be quite full after nursing. If it seems like they are not getting milk, Mom will need to see a vet right away, and the babies can be fed warm goats milk from a pan.