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new 4mo old pig

22 9:13:14

I have had my pet mini pig, Mavis, for almost a week now. She is 4 months old, and when I got her she was not socialized or trained in any way and was living outside. She has come a long way with trusting me, but I am having a hard time training her (tricks and litter box). I have tried litter (she ate it) and newspaper (she rips it apart), and then eventually ends up going about a foot away from the box. I am in Montana and it is very cold outside and she won't go out.

I have tried teaching her to sit by holding food above her and leaning her back to sit, but all she does is back up. I tried another approach by having her butt against a wall, but she will move to the other side of me. Do you have another method??

Right now we have her in the kitchen with hard floors, because she eats the carpet/rugs and will also pee on the carpet. Currently I don't have Priscilla Valentine's book, but I am going to get it very soon. In the last couple days, she has started nipping. I tell her no and make her take a few steps backward, but then it seems like it takes more effort to get back to her trusting me.

Your piggy has experienced a huge life change. Everything he's known is gone, and now he's in a new, strange place with new, strange creatures and nothing is familiar. So it sounds like you're actually doing really well with piggy.

Pigs learn to potty in a particular spot, not in a box the way a cat does. So the easy thing is to put the box in the chosen potty spot (not always possible if piggy is pottying in a doorway!). Pigs can be particular about the box. It must be big enough to turn around comfortably, have a low or no step entrance, and the bottom must be non-slip. Kitty litter is not recommended for pigs because they do try to eat it. Pine shavings often work well. Some people do not use litter at all, they put a towel in the box or just wash it frequently.

Because your piggy lived outside for quite a while, straw or a bit of dirt may or may not persuade piggy to use the box. Piggy may think straw is bedding, or try to root in dirt. You could also try putting a piece of poop in the box.

Take piggy to the box as soon as she wakes up, before and after every meal, after every nap, or every hour when she's awake. The idea is to keep piggy so empty she doesn't have a chance to make a mistake elsewhere. Keep her in the box until she actually goes potty. At first, this may take awhile, but she'll catch on.

Some pigs have difficulty sitting due to their bone structure. You could try holding the treat directly over her forehead. If she just can't get the knack of sitting, then try teaching her to kneel instead.

Piggy is probably a little frustrated at all the changes in her life. Give her something she can destroy, like old blankets or newspapers or phone books, and let her rip them to shreds. She may also enjoy a rooting box, filled with rubber balls or small rocks.