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senior care

22 9:16:15

I have a senior foster pick now 12 years old. She came in 12/31/08 the
weather was very cold and we placed her inside a 8x8 shed with  over head
heater and thick saw shavings and comforters. She has remained for the most
part inside under her blankets. Initially she was not friendly and it was a
challenge to clean her shed out every day and get her blankets out to wash
but over the months she has warmed up to me and i can do anything i need
to with her with only minor protest and grumbles.
She was fat blind and almost stationary  but has lost around 20 plus pounds
so far and i can se her face and eyes now and recently seh will venture
outside for a few mins a day. however she only goes just  few feet past her
shed. What can i do to encourage her to be more mobil to help her loose
extra weight??? also what extra care will i need during the summer months
for her .
Do i need to use sun screen on her and if so what type.
another main concern is i can now get close enough to see inside her mouth
and her teeth are worn down almost to the gum line? so i give her mini pig
food soaked in hot water... will she be okay with her teeth like this ...
lastly she seems so much more solitude than my house PBP and only allows
me in her shed for belly rubs( it took her 2 months to do this ) i see her at
least 4 times a day and spend at least 20- 30mins each time with her
cleaning her shed, feedng her and petting her. do you think this is enough for
her?. she also has 4 chickens that stay with her at night. I even go out at
night and fluff up her blankets and tuck her in and rub her belly till she falls
asleep snoring. I just feel so sorry she is outside and only has me a few times
a day as a companion. is this enough for her or can you suggest anything
else for her?...i do adore her and she will be staying with me for the
remainder of her life.
what can i expect from her in the coming summer months ???

ps i have 2 of your books already and they are great but would love a book
dedicated to rehoming pigs and senior care.  

Keeping the pig from getting artritis by taking her out and exercising her or broadcasting feed is helpful. Your vet has meds for this.
It is good you are taking weight off of her because it makes every other problem worse.
She needs lost of shade.
Bless you,