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mini pig bottom rash

21 18:02:14

hi there!
my two month old mini pig just got nutered about three weeks ago(right before we got him) and scratchs his butt(right benieth his tail) quite often and it seems to be drying up, or scabbing. i wondered it there is any cream i can put on it or anything i can do to clean it. any advice you have would be much appreciated! thank you!


I is probably healing and it will itch when this is going on.  You can use an antibiotic ointment on it to keep it moist.  Also a very good Anti itch and skin conditioner is Infinity Plus Topical.  It is great for coat and skin!
You can find it at on their product page.
Be sure to Worm your piglet with Ivomec.
Hope tis helps,