Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > piggy likes to root us!

piggy likes to root us!

22 9:13:55


our baby
hi patty, we have a darling little threee month old miniture pot belly called miss piggy, we live in australia and luckily miss piggy's daddy is a builder so she has the taj mahal of digs and we have loads of room for her, she lives inside at night and really is the love of our lives, but im afraid i might spoil her, she is constantly rooting us on the arms, legs and anywhere she can find and to be honest even for my burly partner it can get painful, she has ample time to root around during the day and i am just wanting to know if this is normal??? is there something i am doing wrong? im so happy to find your website also its great to hear some of the other behaviour that others experience, on the whole our baby is well behaved and i know its an affectionate thing but we are just wondering if we can stop the behaviour, thanks so much!

What a cute little piglet she is!
I have found that many times the reason for piglets rooting on people is because they were taken away from their mother too soon.  The pushing with the snout is used to make the milk come when they are nursing.  Some piglet are worse about this than others.
I have never totally broke a piglet from this myself.  
Your best bet is to use the "NO" command and push her away from you.  You can tap her on the nose
I wish I had a better answer for you but at this point I don't.  They are such persistent little animals that is can be very hard to change instinct behavior.
Good luck with her.  