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Pot Belly Pigs in the Garden

22 9:17:38

A neighbor's miniature pot belly pig is coming in and destroying our yard. She roots up all the grass and digs up the flowerbeds. Having said that, we love her. How can we repel her without harming her? We don't have the option of fencing her out.

 Bless your heart for not hurting the pig.
Many roaming pet pigs have been injured for doing what pigs naturally do.....foraging. This is a strong survival drive, along with rooting.
Your neighbor is putting the pig in danger by not containing her, however. A dog could attack her or someone could call animal control.
It is not fair to you or the pig. It is irresponsible.
Pigs love to eat, they love to root.
All I can suggest is getting out a garden hose and squirting her.
Scream at her, chase her home.
Pigs remember, and hate loud noises and hoses.
Again, I want to commend you for not hurting the pig.
I assume you have talked to the neighbors, it is THEIR fault, not the pig's. Talking over a cup of coffee and explaining the damage without getting her back up might help. She is not doing the pig any favors!
What a good sport you are!
I wish you owned the pig...maybe you could take her, and contain/protect her if they do not want her?
Priscilla Valentine
Potbellied Pig book at