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cold weather acclimation

22 9:17:03

hi priscilla.
I asked you a question about master blaster about 2 weeks ago and
everything has cleared up well. i have a new question for you. we live in the
northeast and as a said earlier, we got master blaster in april.  needless to
say, he isn't happy about the cold weather, especially peeing outside. he has
not had any accidents all summer long and has just in the last week resorted
to peeing inside the house. it was at first in one spot and we cordoned him
off from that area, but in the last couple of days we will bring him out,
encourage him to go, wait til he goes or give it a good amount of time (5 to
10 min) and then let him in and he will no  pee anywhere regardless of
whether he head gone or not. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
thanks again

He's cold and wants back in.
Put some shavings outdoors in a corner along the side of the house with some old droppings....
He IS neutered, we are assuming. Get my book if you don't have it,
"Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training", at
I suspect he needs to be left out longer.
These pigs are a challenge, he will get better at holding it.