Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > slips


22 9:15:37

my house is 90% tile and my pig heart his back 2 times in under a year his back legs go out and he always slips he will not were his boots what can i do!!

Pot-bellied pigs can be difficult indoor pets. Their bodies are not as adapted to indoor life as cats and dogs, and they often have problems with slippery surfaces or steep stairs. People often get piglets without realizing that they may need to modify their home to accommodate their pig.

Use bath rugs, throw runners or rubber mats to make paths across the tile where your piglet walks. They can be picked up and tossed into a nearby basket when the pig is not in the room. Your pig will need at least one cushy place to relax in, so consider putting a yoga or other flat mat on the floor under his bed.