Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Frightened miniature pot-bellied pig.

Frightened miniature pot-bellied pig.

22 9:13:46

I bought an 8 week old miniature pot bellied pig yesterday, and he seems to be afraid of everything. He's extremly jumpy to human touch. He will come out of his pen to eat and go to the bathroom but runs back in if we try and touch him. He goes on his harness with alot of noise but then is fine with it. As soon as he gets scared he runs and it takes a while to calm him down.

My question is, how long will it take before he comes to us and will go willingly on his harness and what can I do to help him?

Infinity Plus has an excellent training aid that is specifically for this purpose.  It come with a DVD to show you how to build confidence with you piglet.
You can go to the product page and order it there.
It is the best!
Thank you,