Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > fostering a demon pig?

fostering a demon pig?

22 9:18:23

help! I got two foster pigs yesterday and they were sweet as pie but today the female started to charge and bite.  I really don't want to have to give them up already the male is a love sponge but I've never had pigs and I'm starting to get scared that she is really going to hurt me or my boyfriend, she REALLY doesn't like him.  the rescue lady said she is surprised and to yell at her and push her side.  is there anything else you can recomend?

Any time you change a pigs living quarters, they must reestablish the pecking order.
A firm push on the shoulders and saying a firm NO will help.
No physical punishment, the pig thinks what she is doing is right.
Bless you for taking on these pigs.
We suggest you join the talk group Pig Info for at least a week so we can all help you monitor the situation.
Stand tall, talk firmly, do not back down or act afraid of this pig.
It WILL get better. Go to
Good luck,