Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Wont eat pelleted food anymore

Wont eat pelleted food anymore

22 9:15:35

I have 2 Mini Swedish pigs(if you have info on that breed that would be awesome too)that quit eating their pelleted food. They came with mini pig food from tractor Supply and sdwhole corn.
They have recently stopped eating the pellets and have seemed to root more. Like they are not satisfied and looking for minerals. I am worried that they will not get proper vitamin nutrition.

"Swedish miniature" is another name for potbellied pigs. They were originally imported from zoos there in 1985.
Pigs will eat pig food unless tastier food is offered, like dog food or corn.
But pig feed is best for them or your pigs will get obese.               Pris