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pig health

22 9:12:30

i have a 16+ year old potbelly pig who is really starting to have trouble getting up and moving around these last few months. i have not done a very good job of trimming hooves lately as he hates it and cant be controlled (i used to get him drunk to do it) but its more than that. i think it might be a type of arthritis, what do you suggest to help and ease any pain he might be in.

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet. Arthritis is a common malady in pot-bellied pigs, especially older pigs.

Bad hooves can make any lameness problem worse. It can be difficult to keep hooves trimmed to the proper length, which is really, really short. If you have a couple of strong, brave friends, it's possible to hold piggy still and trim. Cutting wire cuts through thick, overgrown hooves faster than hoof nippers. But, cutting wire is sharp and dangerous, and gets quite hot. Wear leather gloves when working with cutting wire. Also, it's difficult to get the hooves short enough with cutting wire alone, usually it's necessary to shape the hooves with shears.

Most vets prefer to put the pig under for hoof trims. This also allows them the opportunity to check ears, teeth, etc.

Obesity contributes to arthritis. If piggy is overweight, loosing a few pounds can dramatically reduce discomfort and increase mobility.

Stairs are hard on piggy joints. If piggy needs to go up and down stairs, provide piggy with a ramp, instead. You can use a pre made ramp for dogs, or improvise with a wooden ramp and non slip mats for sure footing.

Some people swear home remedies such as glcostamaine, fish or cod liver oil or vitamin supplements like Next Level, help. They may or may not work for your pig. You can use any supplement made for people, according to the package directions. Many people prefer to use supplements like Next Level, which is made for horses.

If home supplements don't help after a few weeks, piggy will probably need to see a vet for medicine. Rimadyl is usually used for arthritis, but it can cause tummy upset. Give it only with food, and many people also give piggy an over the counter antacid, such as Pepcid AC, as long as piggy is on Rimadyl.

There's a list of vets that see pot-bellied pigs at Cutting wire, hoof trimmers and horse supplements are available from Valley Vet Supply and Jeffers Pre-made plastic ramps are available from Drs Foster and Smith