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Upset Eating

21 18:01:03

QUESTION: Hey, so I have a teacup pig and she has a very sassy attitude and when she gets put in her room she started this habit of screaming and then chewing on the door. I places a no scrach plastic door cover on and it was no longer a problem but just recently she got put in her room after she pottied on the floor was only in there for like five minutes as I cleaned up and she chewed a hole in the wall. I can't plastic her whole room but idk what to do she won't stop chewing on things. She has lots of toys and even giving her frozen vegetables to chew on because I believe she's teething now. Not sure if chewing into the dry wall was acting out and not wanting to be put up?

Thanks for your time and help,

ANSWER: How old is your pig?
Has she been spayed?
What is her diet?
I will get back to you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is 5 months old she was never spayed. Her diet she has special pellets the breeder gave us and then she gets little snacks throughout the day like celery, carrots, banana, Cheerios, and other fruit and vegetables.


I sounds like you may have several issues going on. un-spayed female makes for a not such a good indoor pet.
Females can start coming into heat at 4 to 5 months of age.  They are similar to humans as far as PMS goes.
They come into heat every 21 days. PMS can play havoc with their hormones, and attitude in general.
Females should be spayed at around 12 weeks of age depending on their individual maturity level.
Pot Bellied Pigs also will cut teethe several times during their younger years.
The discomfort from this can also vary from mild to extreme depending on pain level in each pig.
If she is teething she will grind her teeth and often foam around her mouth.
This can also cause acting out.
The third issue is her nutritional needs.
Pigs are similar to humans in that they will react to nutritional issues like we do.
A well balanced diet is imperative. An imbalance can cause all sorts of issues with blood sugars etc.
I recommend putting her on a strict nutritional intake as soon as possible.
Please write to my personal email at so we can discuss this further.
Hope this helps,