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PBP false pregnancy??

22 9:12:38

Ok so i have 2 females and a male largest female just had babies maybe 5 days ago. She had 8 but sadly none made it. Now my question is my other female was getting bigger and had milk come out 3 days ago...we have not seen any babies or anything since and she is not producing milk anymore. Could she have had them and they did not make it and I did not know? but what i am most worried about is that she was all swollen and looked to be like she was going to give birth soon but i also noticed that her butt is also kind of swollen and pushed out a little bit now do you know what could have caused this? Could a baby be stuck? what could be wrong with my PBP? please help!

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet. There's a number of danger signs here and I think your sow needs to see a vet. It is very possible that one, or more, babies are stuck inside of her. False pregnancies are rare in pigs, and I'm not aware of any that reached the point of producing milk, so that's a very remote possibility.

There's a list of vets that see pot-bellied pigs at, or you can contact farec directly through the website. Also, most veterinary schools will see pot-bellied pigs, so you might look for one in your area.