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Diet and Growth

22 9:11:26

Hi! I have a 10 week old, female, unaltered, micro/mini juliana mix piglet that I'm having a problem with getting her to eat a pelleted diet. She ate Heartland Starter diet for about 3 weeks after I got her and now we're transitioning to the adult Heartland diet, slowly adding the adult and reducing the starter. She refuses to eat the adult and does the usual epic hissy fit when I put it in her bowl. The only thing she will eat is rolled oats, no matter what I try. I've tried mixing the pellets with the oats, adding warm water to the mix to completely blend them so she can't pick the oats out, adding goat's milk, molasses, fruits, veggies, cheerios, juice and worst of all (in my opinion)only offering the pellets and nothing else. Since I haven't gotten her to eat the pellets I have been adding a Vitamin E/Selenium supplement as well as flax meal, wheat germ meal and a small amount of canned pumpkin to try and make up for what she's missing from the pellets. Any ideas or suggestions to get her to eat what she should? I never knew pigs could actually be picky about what they eat!

My other concern is her weight gain. I got her from a guy that claims she is a micro/mini juliana mix, which I'm starting to doubt! She was in a bad situation so I took her knowing I would really have no clue how big she would be. I saw her parents and dad was 22# & 15" tall, mom was 20# & 13" tall. She currently weighs 16# at 10 weeks. The other posts on here that I have read said that piglets should gain weight at about 1 pound per week, she's gained 11 pounds in 1 month averaging 3 - 4 pounds per week! She screams and will not calm down when she gets hungry. I feed her 1/2 cup of the oat/supplement mix three times a day and that is still not enough for her.  I know pigs always act hungry but she is genuinely hungry between feedings to the point she'll eat so fast she chokes at feeding time. I'm afraid she's gaining weight too fast and that I'm over feeding her so what would you suggest I should do? ANY help would be greatly appreciated!! I can email you pictures later, if that would help.  Takes some work and time to get pictures of her that aren't blurry!

If she is 10 weeks old she still needs to be on a Starter Chow.
I keep my weaned piglets on Starter Chow until they are about 5 to 6 months old and then move them to adult chow.
If she is now 16# at 10 weeks old I doubt she is going to be very small at her mature weight.
All pigs are unique.  You need to look at her bone structure and weight.  She should be well rounded over her hips and back without having extra fat she doesn't need.
Once you get her feeding program figured out it will be easier to maintain the proper weight.
the parents may have been very young (even teens) when the piglets were born.  They may not have been mature themselves as these little pigs don't get there full growth until they are at least 3 to 5 years old.
I you want optimal health and proper growth fo your piglet go to and then to their product page.  You will need their Starter Chow and Vit/Mins.
This will be the proper diet for you little one.
Yes....I would love to see pictures.
Please send them to