Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > bites


22 9:11:13

i just bought a beautiful and loving mini pig two weeks ago. My problem is that since I bought him, I have been getting bites all over as well as he scratches endlessly. I phoned the breeder who is acting like its my fault and is willing to take him back and pay me a portion of my money. What could the bites be and do think I will have trouble getting rid of it. As I am concerned for the pig, she is getting him checked out.

It's sounds like the pig has scabies.   It can be treated with Ivomec from your Vet.  He very likely was infested before you received him from the breeder.  they are very common especially in a group of pigs.

You will need to be treated also as well as anyone who came in contact with the or yourself.
You need to do a major sanitation with bedding, carpet, cloths etc.
Ask your doctor what you should use for yourself.