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Pig as a pet

22 9:17:33

I am considering getting a pot bellied pig as a pet; what would be the basic necessities in terms of environment, diet, routine etc.?

Wow, that's a big question, we are only allowed 200 characters.:)
Pigs can live indoors, outdoors, or both (probably best). They need shelter from wind and rain. They are hedonists that love the comfort of being indoors, and what they do best is eat and sleep!
 Obesity is the #1 health problem, so pb pigs need to be on a diet all their lives. I think Purina Mazuri pb pig feed is best, and is sold at feed stores. In their native Asia, they lived mostly on dark green veggies, which is where they got most of their water. They are poor water drinkers as a result, so need veggies like spinach, beet greens, Romaine, etc. We do not feed fruit because of the sugar (makes them fat).
  Pigs love routine. After breakfast, they go outside to do their business and graze a bit. Then nap time, and up for dinner, then outside again for exercise. They are VERY smart and love to be trained! They are not the pet for everyone, but our book will tell you if a pig is for you at
They are special pets for special people!
Take care,
Priscilla Valentine