Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > What to give my 6 Month Min Pot belly Pig For PAin

What to give my 6 Month Min Pot belly Pig For PAin

22 9:17:33

My Baby Pig has seemed to have sprained her leg and cant put any pressure on it. Can I give her Tylenol for pain??

Pigs cannot take Tylenol.
What our vet suggests is if a pig injures its leg is no pain relievers until diagnosed (if then).
The pain is telling the pig to stay OFF the leg so it can heal.
Pigs can take aspirin for a short time (3 days) but the chances of your pig feeling better, walking around, and reinjuring the leg are high.
Instead, encourage the pig to stay OFF the leg. Take it in for x rays after 10 days if he is not better! No pain relievers.....
Priscilla Valantine