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essential oil flea control

22 9:11:09

I just bought a flea and tick spray made for dogs with cinnamon oil, rosemary oil,pepperment oil, cedar oil,clove oil, and eugenal...i was wondering if you knew if any of these essentials oils were harmful to my 6 week old pbp..thankyou in advance

You can use any product made for people on your pig. Products made for dogs and cats are generally safe, too.

Some essential oils can cause a skin rash on sensitive people. Usually, this only happens with pure or nearly pure oil. Most products use only a small amount of essential oils, too little to trigger a reaction.

Fleas and ticks are rarely a problem on pigs. The only places where skin is soft enough for a flea or tick to latch onto an adult pig is behind the ears and between the legs. Piglets have soft skin all over, and can become infested with fleas or ticks if they are exposed to an infected area or animal.

If your piglet does not have any fleas and ticks, and your home is not infested with fleas and ticks, then your piglet probably does not need a flea and tick spray. But, if you want to use it anyway, I suggest testing it for possible skin reactions by spraying a bit on your foot or inside elbow. If it doesn't bother your skin, it won't bother your pig.

If you're taking your pig outside to places like parks or beaches, you may want to use an insect repellent to keep away the flies and mosquitoes. Again, you can use any product made for people on your pig. Most pigs do not like being squirted with cold liquid, so put the bottle in a pan of warm water for a few minutes so the contents become warm before spraying your pig.