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Rash on my pig

22 9:18:17

I have two pigs and one became quite ill with a respiratory infection, which I treated homeopathically and it seems to have cleared up.  But she has developed a rash.  The skin behind her ears is lumpy and bleeds and the rest of her body is covered in little red spots.  They were having a little calf milk formula in their food sometimes, which I have stopped and the hay they sleep in is rye grass which I am about to change to something else. It looks like an allergic reaction, and her sister is beginning to show signs of the same thing, but not nearly as bad.  I feed them fruit and vegetable scraps, corn, some pollard, meat and chicken stock, a little cooked meat on occasion.  They also get a cup of pig pellets each day.I feel like it may be eczema - do pigs get eczema?  Her skin is quite lumpy and rough in places.
Apart from the constant scratching, she is a happy little pig.

Sarcoptic mange mites are the main cause of what you describe. But without pics, it is only an educated guess.
Mange is  usually effectively treated with two injections of Ivermectin or Dectomax, 14 days apart.
Respitory infections can kill a pig . I would suggest getting her checked out by a vet. The rash could be connected to whatever you gave her. But since her sister is getting it, we side towards the mange idea...
Pigs should never get meat. It spreads diseases like Foot and Mouth as well as parasites  and they usually do not need the calories...
in the wild the bulk of their diet was veggies, (a few grubs here and there) and they were not hunters.
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine