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Sneezing n Wheezing

22 9:11:36

I have a 10 mos old male mini pbp that has been sneezing n wheezing since I adopted him 3 weeks ago.  He has received 2 antibiotic injections from the vet but his symptoms persists... New vet on Tuesday.  Is there anything I can do or give him to ease his symptoms until then?!  He weighs about 35 lbs.  Any insight would be helpful!

I am guessing he was sneezing and wheezing before he came to you. Antibiotics are great for what they do, but they can't fix everything.

Three possibilities come to mind, the first is piggy has inhaled something that's lodged somewhere in his nasal cavity or lungs. The second is piggy has allergies. The third is that piggy has developed a viral pneumonia. Antibiotics don't work against virus.

Some people use Benadryl for piggie allergies, but I am very hesitant to recommend that in your situation. First, your pig is young and small and may be easy to overdose. Second, your new vet will need to see piggy's true condition, and the lingering after effects of any medicine could mask important signals, especially the way his breathing sounds. Finally, if the problem is something stuck up his nose, nothing is going to really help except getting the thing out. If the problem does turn out to be allergies, your vet can help you chose the right medicine and determine the right dose.

Keep piggy as quiet as possible. If you notice him breathing better or worse, notice what his environment is like and where he just was. In other words, if it's very hot outside and he's worse after going out in the heat, try to keep him cool.

Sorry if this sounds disgusting, but sometimes pigs with runny noses try to eat the snot. Keep him from doing this, if you can. Sneezing and snot are the body's way of clearing things out of the nasal system, so it's best to keep that stuff out of piggy's tummy.

If you can get him down for a good, long tummy rub, the massage will soothe his chest muscles. If the problem is something stuck in his nose, the massage might also help it work it's way out.