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Juliani pigs

22 9:19:02

I am interested in finding a Juliani miniature pig for adoption.  How do they compare in size and temperament to pot belly pigs and where is a good resource to go for finding reputable breeders or adoption rescues?  Do they require any special feeding or care beyond a warm/cool shelter, plenty of room to roam (in safe fencing) and appropriate pig diet?


In the mid 1980's a number of people imported different strains of "miniature" pigs, the most famous being Connell and his black Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs. Juliani pigs were a different group. They were larger than a typical pot, with a more slender build and longer snout, and several pigs were silver gray or deep red, or born red and turn black. People bred them with pots to get red and silver pigs with pot-bellied traits. The only pig registry to track pure Juliani pigs was Gold Star and they closed in the early 1990s, and by the mid 1990's the red and silver Julianis were reclassified as another strain of pbp.
Red and silver pbp do show up in rescues and sanctuaries. They require the same care as any pbp, dry, windproof shelter, room to excersize, someplace to root, fresh water at all times, pig pellets supplemented with fresh veggies or fruit or "grazing time" (on untreated grass!).
Pig Placement Network has a list of sanctuaries on their page
You also might try a google search for breeders, and "pigs" or "swine" or "exotic" "red" "silver", etc.