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skin irritation

22 9:18:48

we have a 8 week old male pot bellied pig and are concerned about the skin surrounding his "privates"/scrotum.  It has developed a whitish crusty appearance.  We have been putting baby oil on his skin to remoisturize it, we had been avoiding this area but put some on it 2 days ago and now it is yucky. What do think we should do?  He is going to the vet on 8/20 to be castrated. Didn't know if this was a common/normal thing or should we take him in earlier?  What do you suggest?

Take photos of the condition to show your vet. If you clean the crust or goo away be sure to retain a sample for your vet, it might be important for him to know about this before castration.
The scrotum, located under the tail near the anus, is exposed to whatever the pig sits on. So it is possible that a crust in that area is due to something in the pigs environment. Or, it could be an emission from the anus, if so, this could indicate a serious internal condition and your vet needs to know about this before surgery.
The urethra opening is located in the middle of the piggy's belly. Near that opening is a small scent gland, that secrets a thick, smelly liquid. Female pigs think the odor is an aphrodisiac, but most people disagree. This gland is triggered by reproductive hormones, when the pig is neutered the gland stops almost completely. When a male pig is stressed, even an older, neutered male, they still may release this scent. Removing this gland is not recommended because it usually causes far worse problems.
This gland is located in a little pouch beneath the skin. The pouch can collect dirt and grime and grime and dribbles of urine, and this goo can appear to be coming from the gland, but is actually accumulated from the environment. If this should happen, just give the piggy's belly a good wash with a warm damp cloth.
Male pigs have long, narrow, twisty urethras and are prone to urinary problems, especially blockage and crystals. These or other urinary conditions might lead to an infection in the pouch, washing the belly and correcting the condition will cure the infection.