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pig bite

22 9:18:48

Hi today i visited a country park with my kids where the animals walked freely around the kids. my youngest who is 1 year old suddenly started to cry and there was a small black pig by her hand,i noticed she had three small tooth marks but her skin had not been broken though there is a small scratch that could have already been there as it looks like a paper cut! I contacted my doctor who advised she would be fine as she has had her tetanus jag. i am extremely worried and would just like a second opinion. Thank you.

There is nothing in a pig's mouth sharp enough to make a "paper cut" like scratch - but many grasses are sharp enough to shred an adults skin. One year olds have soft delicate skin on their hands, I suspect your child fell onto some blades of crab or razor grass. A razor grass cut is as painful as a paper cut.
If the skin is not broken then there is no danger. This is true for all animal bites, with the possible exception of some reptiles or other venomous creatures.
Human bites are by far the most dangerous. Pig jaws do not open wide (like dogs, cats, or other predators), are not very strong (like dogs, cats, etc. which must hold squirming prey), and the teeth are not really sharp (predators need sharp teeth to tear flesh, pig teeth are for grinding grasses, roots, etc).
Pigs rarely bite, though some get a little overexcited when taking treats from a hand and may "tooth" a bit, but I can not recall ever hearing of a pig biting hard enough to break skin.
Adult male pigs have tusks which can scrape (but not scratch  a "paper cut"). They can NOT "bite" with the tusks because their jaws just don't open that wide.