Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Cracked hoof

Cracked hoof

22 9:11:58

How can I treat a cracked hoof on a Pot Belly Pig.  It is  her L back hoof.  I have made arrangements for the ferrier to trim the hoof. She only eats some fruits for snacks and BID Mini Pig Food.  She Was three years old in October.
She exercises by walking with me and our two dogs. This is the first time that her hooves have been trimmed.
Thank you.

Keeping her hoofs trimmed is a must.  One way that helps is to put her feed and water dish on cement or gravel so she has to walk on it every time she has a drink or eats.  Walk her on pavement, cement or gravel also will help wear her hoofs of naturally.
for optimal health and healthy hoofs and coat and skin go to  On their product page they have the best feed to keep your pig in good weight, health coat and skin and hoofs.  Especially try the topical on the hoofs!
Hope this helps,