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pot belly pig getting HUGE!

22 9:16:41


Ok I got a piglet about 3weeks ago. He was about 5 months or so. He was a healthy wieght. The first few days I gave him treats (tortilla chips,a few dog treats) just to get him to warm up to me.. But now he's just on his pellets. Usually 2 cups a day, but the last few days less than that.
He is huge now. He's not any taller but his belly almost touches the ground and he has a HUGE double chin. And I can tell he's not getting around as good. The stairs are more of a challenge and it he plays less. This is to much of change for only 3 weeks..

Im afraid he's eating grass and old fruit that fell off our fruit trees.(its like dried mummified fruit but I see him chomping on the seeds when I call him inside.) And I can't keep him away from those things when I let him outside.
What do I do?

The picture you sent of Harley shows him in normal weight for a Pot Bellied Pig.
Depending on the size of his parents he could grow to 100 -150 lbs.
Harley shouldn't eat anything except his pig chow and a few healthy snacks throughout the day.
If he grazes on grass and fruit all day he will become obese and have all the other problems that go along with it.
You should make a fenced in area where with limited grass and no fruit droppings as this is all just more calories that he shouldn't have.
If you want a feed that will help keep the extra weight off of him go to the Royal Dandie web site product page.  The feed they sell their is excellent.  Check out their vit/min supplement also.
Hope this helps.