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when to take my pbp off the bottle

22 9:18:35

She is 9 weeks old and is eating pellets, but LOVES her bottle.  I took her off of the morning bottle but don't know when to take her off the evening one.  She was the runt of the litter.  How much in pellets should she have a day and when do you introduce veggies?

I would love to see a picture of your piglet You can send it to
My piglets start eating pellets very young as they see their mom eating and go investigate.
I have had runts before and had to nurse them with a bottle.  You can start introducing them to baby cereal mixed in a little of their milk at two or three weeks.  Put pellets in with them all he the time and they will start eating a few at a time.
You can also grind up he pellets at first if your piglet is too small to chew them.  I also sprinkle powdered milk or formula over them  to encourage them to try them.
I have weaned as young as 4 weeks when necessary and this method works just fine.
Continue to sprinkle dry milk over the feed until three months old.
I also use a good multi vit.  The best I have found is at on the product page.
Good luck,