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My Pet Pig Vinnie Is Sick Please Help

22 9:12:08


I have a one and a half year old black barrow named vinnie, we recently moved house and since then its been one thing after another, at first he was sick and wouldnt eat so the vet gave him a shot of antibiotic and something for a possible stomach ulcer, that seemed to help and he perked up and started eating again, but still wont eat his pig feed so hes on fruit, veggies and wholegrain, no sugar cereal. Anyways jus recently we found blood around his mouth, i thouhgt maybe he could have knocked one of his teeth, but then even more worrying i noticed small dark purple blemishes all over his body, they look awful, so i called the vet again, hes give be antibiotics to put in his food but doesnt seem to have any real explaination for the marks or blood, im worried sick and would just like to know what could cause this? btw we took his temp, its 39 and he is still eating mostly.

Thank You


I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

The blood in his mouth may or may not be related to the blemishes, and they may or may not be connected to his previous stomach difficulties.

The blemishes could be an allergic reaction to something in his new environment. Or they could be insect stings. If they are all connected, this could be erysipelas, particularly if these blotches are raised, blistery welts in a rough diamond or square shape.

Stomach difficulties could be from eating something in his new environment. Maybe a plant, maybe something sprayed on the grass or plants, maybe some sort of poison like insecticide or rat bait. If your vet has not yet done any blood tests, that might be the next step.

There's several pot-bellied pig veterinarians who are happy to work with other veterinarians over the phone. Contact Lana at with the name and phone number of your veterinarian (if he or she is willing to discuss this with another vet).