Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > constipation in 2 wk old Vietnamese pot belly

constipation in 2 wk old Vietnamese pot belly

22 9:17:58

I rescued a 2 week old pot belly baby 5 days ago from someone who was going to butcher and kill the mother.  I am feeding the piglet a combination of a puppy goats milk formula, goats milk and baby rice cereal from both a bottle and a flat dish.  He has been eating wonderfully every 4 hrs or so.  He seems to be active healthy and thriving in every way but yesterday he had only one bowel movement.  He has been urinating on a puppy pad about 10 minutes after eating but seems to be straining and unable to pass feces.  Should I worry and what can I do to help him?

Your baby is very little! Babies this young are fragile, I strongly suggest consulting a vet if he is constipated.

The standard remedy for a constipated pig is canned pumpkin. But your baby is so young that suddenly giving him a new food like the pumpkin could cause serious tummy upset.

Another trick that works for pigs who are not used to riding in cars, is a car ride. The vibration can trigger a bowel movement. Trying this will not hurt your baby, and it will help him get used to riding in a car.

I also suggest gradually switching him to a pot-bellied pig starter chow, by adding a little bit to his milk, letting them get all soggy before giving it to him. Add a little more each day, by the time he is 8 or 9 weeks old he should be on starter chow and vegetables exclusively.
By the time he's 4 weeks old he should be able to chew soft or cooked vegetables. The fiber from the chow and vegetables will help keep him regular.